Supporting young families

Elizabeth House is a rehabilitation centre offering a continuum of intervention and support services to families with children aged 0-5 years. Rehabilitation services occur in a multitude of settings ranging from the highly structured residential program, to a daily education program, a transitional living experience, and community support services.

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Care Respect Collaboration Inclusion Growth Care Respect Collaboration Inclusion Growth

Exceeding national standards of excellence in high-quality care

Elizabeth House is accredited by Accreditation Canada, exceeding national standards of excellence in high-quality care in the health and social services. We are proud to announce that we achieved accreditation again in 2021 with Commendation, meeting 94% of national accreditation standards. This result reflects the dedication and commitment of Elizabeth House staff, Board members and volunteers to helping, supporting and empowering young mothers, fathers and children so that they all have the opportunity to develop to their full potential.

See the curent report

Make a donation

By making a donation to the Elizabeth House Foundation, a registered charity, you can help us provide the full range of services that young families need to succeed.

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Get involved

While Elizabeth House relies on monetary and material donations from the public to supplement programs, volunteers are also greatly valued by our clients and staff, as an important part of our organization.

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Our Annual Reports


2019-2020 Annual Report
