It’s Emoji Time

We’re happy to share our super fun, emotional management program at Elizabeth House!

“Emoji Time” is a program that teaches our clients all about the different aspects of emotions, what they are, and how to identify when they become a problem. Clients are learning how to identify their emotions and communicate these feelings appropriately.

This program has four one-hour sessions that occur once a week throughout April and the first week of May, focusing on mothers between the ages of 18 and 25. So far, we have completed two sessions, and it’s been a blast!

The ideal outcome of this program is for the clients to learn a new valuable life skill, quickly identify their emotions, and feel comfortable sharing their feelings. Our clients are loving the program and have expressed how thrilled they are to finally learn more about their emotions in a fun, engaging, and exciting way.

Join the fun, and let’s get emotional with Emoji Time!

Writing Workshop Presentation

Following two months of weekly workshop sessions facilitated by writer, Nadine Neema and managed by EH educator Tamara Medford-Williams, Writer’s Corner zine was produced at Elisabeth House as part of the Writers in the Community, a program run by the Quebec Writers’ Federation.

The clients were extremely proud of the work they produced and were excited to share their work. They presented their final work to an audience of their peers, invited guests, staff, and board members. Some presentations were poignant; others were very animated, making them come to life, and others incorporated sound effects into their storytelling.

Congratulations to all those who participated!